The President welcomed everyone to the June meeting, He reported we have been accepted as members in the Eastern Federation of Mineralogical Societies. They have more activities, field trips and jamborees in Ocala. Rick Marshall, President of Wekiva Gem and Mineral Society, will talk to us at the next month’s meeting. We will start having more activities with members bringing in more rocks, start swapping and sharing more experiences shortly.
He reported that the mother of a past member of our Club, Jim Ingram, passed away and the Club will be sending a sympathy card to the family.
Minutes from the meeting:
Bob Cole, officiating for the ceremony, requested that Robert Hall repeat every word after him, which Robert did and was sworn in as Treasurer. Bob requested that he review the laws for a Treasurer. Applauding followed.
The President added that Robert does our Website and Facebook also. Applauding followed.
The President reported we would need 94 tables for the Show and this should bring in revenue, which goes toward’s our monthly expenses to sustain the Club. This is why we have two shows a year. We will need more planning on Volunteers and kids for days and hours of activity. All tables will have electric. We need to check our supply of electrical cords. Liza said she visited our trailer and found bugs and ants in it, so she sprayed it to get rid of them.
At the Armory we were having about 1,000 attendance and at Sanford we only had between 600 and 700 people come into our Show. We have already paid for the use of the Armory. We will still advertise in Sanford. Rich Spechler also sends out a listing of each show to about 600 or 800 of his followers.
Liza asked if there would be chips at the Show and were we selling raffle tickets. Liza suggested that there be one person only selling raffle tickets and two people at the entrance table. The President asked Liza and Dave to get the raffle prize from Village Originals.
The President stated that anyone can bring individually wrapped food or drinks. We will have pizza and sub-sandwiches, because everyone does not eat pork/beef. He added that everyone can get a pizza or a sub-sandwich but not both.
Connie Freer covers the Kid’s corner and said she tries to make it fun for different age groups and to give the parents a little break. They need Volunteers to help. There was discussion to have Volunteers sign up through our website by date and hours they can help. Ana said she would be coordinating with the Boy Scouts for their clothes, duties and hours.